North Dakota State University is a proud institutional member of NCFDD. This institutional membership is supported by funding from the Provost/Faculty Affairs office, Research and Creative Activities, the Office of Teaching and Learning, the Graduate School, and the Colleges of Agriculture, Food Systems and Natural Resources, Arts and Sciences, Business, Engineering, and Health and Human Sciences.

The NCFDD is an independent professional development center that is 100% dedicated to helping faculty, postdocs, and graduate students make successful transitions throughout their careers. They work with colleges, universities, organizations, and individuals to ensure faculty success. Their programs and services help faculty to increase writing productivity, establish and maintain work-life balance, create broad networks of collegial support on their campus, and develop a committed stance towards their institutional home. Offerings include NCFDD Institutional Membership, the signature Faculty Success Program (FSP), Campus Workshops, and, for newly tenured faculty and FSP alumni, the Post-Tenure Pathfinders Program.

NCFDD Member Benefits

Our institutional membership will provide access to NCFDD’s broad range of online virtual programs and resources, including:

How to activate your free membership:

  1. Go to
  2. Choose North Dakota State University from the drop-down menu.
  3. Select “Activate my Membership”
  4. Complete the registration form using your institutional email address (i.e.
  5. Go to your institution email to find a confirmation email. Click “Activate Account” in the confirmation email.

If you have any questions about the membership, please contact: Julie Nash. If you have any technical questions, please email NCFDD at

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